Drops in our eyes…

Advent is upon us … again

All week I’ve been thinking and praying about this past Sunday, the solemnity of Christ the king. The beauty of the preface to the Eucharistic prayer echoed throughout the week with a vision for what God desires His Kingdom to be, “ As king He claims dominion over all creation,
that He may present to You, His almighty Father,
an eternal and universal kingdom:
a kingdom of truth and life,
a kingdom of holiness and grace,
a kingdom of justice, love, and peace.”

As we then come full circle and begin the new liturgical year with the Advent season, perhaps we should pray over the vision of what God wants for us instead of what we this we need? That beautiful preface of Christ the king offers us four propositions to ponder; Jesus in His mission as Savior and Redeemer reveals to us the in reacting of an eternal and universal kingdom. One marked with truth and life; holiness and grace; and justice, love and peace.

This first week, let us look at what it means to be part of something eternal and universal. Reflect of the fact that the immortal invisible God invites us to share with Him what He intended from the beginning. His desire in creating us was for a relationship with Him that could never end. Not only that. The mystery of His relationship with us is that it is both particular and unique and at the same time inclusive and universal! The mystery of His love has no limitations or expectations. It is for everyone and in particular it is for you (and me).

Dear Lord, as we once again journey from the throne of your grace to the throne of your birth, help us to shed our expectations with its limits and conditions to embrace what you promises us…abundance and fullness. +Amen

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It is the thought that counts

It was a quick phone call. Linda’s oldest son had called to tell me that she had died in the ICU in Pittsburgh early that am. The last ten years had not been good to her. While sad, there was a feeling of relief and peace for her. But sadness quickly came thinking of her sons as I made my way to just be with them.

A week later, after Linda was buried, and we had celebrated her life, and our hope in the promises of a Savior who knows us more than we know ourselves, it came time to say goodbye. Tommy handed me a folded piece of paper. On it was a pencil pattern for a cross-stitch with my sir-name. It was dated with my anniversary. Tom said, “I came across this and figured it was one of those things she had hoped to get around to. ” She was very creative in her day. “I think she would like you to have it.”

I looked at Tom and immediately said, “Thank you, I guess it is the thought that counts.” It is nice to be thought of…isn’t it? I will treasure that cross-stitch pattern. It warms me just to think of it.

How was your week? What pressures did you face? Any crisis looming? Any worry? Weakness? Sense of powerlessness? You know, Our Lord has each of us in mind. His mind’s eye is not only on the sparrow — it is on us –you and me. He has written a pattern with our name in CROSSstitch at Calvary. Keep that gift in mind as you begin next week…as you kiss your loved ones, as you face life’s inevitable challenges…and praise the giver of life. Nothing can overwhelm us with Him as Lord.