Me and my shadow

March 19, 2021 Feast of St. Joseph in the Year of St. Joseph

Happy Feast of St. Joseph!  I hope you like the image that I am sharing today…it comes to you with a request!

When you walk into Church, you see St. Joseph’s statue among the others.  Since I was a child, up until this day, I have always loved and been fascinated by statues…the colors, sizes, styles, designs and symbols.   However, the real Joseph of Nazareth was no statue.  He was a man of action.  As revealed in Matthew’s Gospel, once he heard the angel’s words in his dreams, he did not hesitate.  He acted. His mantle was work.  His spirituality an active contemplation.  Hearing the message, he acted on it, and focused on it.  His work linked to his mission.  Work…physical labor and protection his wife and son.  This was his charge.

And those who follow in the footsteps of Joseph, in order to follow the way of his son Jesus, do the same.

The image of St. Joseph that comes with this message was shared with me by the Sisters of St. Joseph. It came to me in their St. Joseph Day greeting!  Beautiful isn’t it!   Paraphrasing Pope Francis, they proclaim: “Joseph earthly shadow of the heavenly Father, draw us to Jesus your son.”

Like Joseph, the Sisters of St. Joseph have taken up his name to walk closely in the path of Jesus.  Like Joseph they have been active contemplatives…helping the good neighbor…with schools, hospitals, clinic, shelters and food banks…advocacy, being a voice, marching, standing, sharing, laughing. You may know them in your life.  I do.  Sr. Ann Louis.  Sr. Mary Rita.  Sr. Michelle, Sr. Mary Sarah.  Sr. Rose Irma.  Sr. Theresa, Sr. James Francis, Sr. Mary Alice …and the litany of those past and present go on.

Here is the REQUEST…join the work.

On this Solemnity of St. Joseph, I am asking you to do TWO things.  NOT one but TWO things.

First.  Please pray for the Sisters, and the Ministry and Mission of the Sisters of St. Joseph.

Second.  Please give.  I mean make a sacrificial gift to the Ministry and Mission Foundation.  Your gift will join the mission of the Sisters of St. Joseph, as we follow the way of Jesus Christ. 

Remember, you’re not a statue…you’re made for action!  Pray and Give…TODAY.

Click the link below

For full transparency, I am on the board of the Sisters of St. Joseph Minister and Mission Foundation.  Having been educated and formed by these great women this is a humbling opportunity for me to say thank you! 

St. Joseph, pray for us

Hey joe

Third Sunday of Lent in the year of St Joseph

About his character, Joseph is said to be “righteous,” and by his actions, spiritually attentive. What great qualities for a spouse, father or friend!

May be an image of 1 person

As the year of St Joseph continues to unfold for us perhaps we should reflect on this question : who has been JOSEPH for you? I’m sure there have been more than one. These are the people who always seem to be there when needed, or say the right thing, or offer encouragement just at the right moment. One who comes to mind right now for me was even named Joseph.

Back in the day when I served in pastoral ministry there was a man of few words, great works and a spiritual life that by itself was edifying. I don’t think I ever heard a cross word pass his lips. He had a great spirit a hearty laugh and deep love of the lord. Joe was definitely someone you were grateful was in your corner. If I close my eyes I can see him praying in his pew at St Anthony in Walston. Joe Juliette was one of my Joseph’s.

You too are to be a righteous and attentive follow of Jesus how can comfort the sorrowing, Give faith to the doubting, hope, peace, truth, encouragement to those right in front of you.

Thanks Joe!

St Joseph pray for us!


Friday of the Second Week of Lent in the Year of St. Joseph

With an eye toward the Scriptures that will unfold for us on Sunday I find myself again looking at Jesus through the eyes or influence of his foster father, Joseph.  Here is a handy link to the readings:

(  Where did Jesus learn the 10 commandments?  Where did he learn to be zealous about God’s Temple?  Where did he learn that it was the Lord’s way that was perfect?  It had to be in the house of Nazareth…where else.

Where did you learn right from wrong?  That God loved you? That his name is holy and his way is the only way that truly satisfies?  At home?  From your mom or dad?  

Several years ago there was a country song that echoed both the good and bad we teach children.  Rodney Atkins song “Watching You” portrayed the exchange of habits between a father and young song. At first, the words coming out of the boy’s mouth betrayed the father as their origin.  But later in the song, that same father has a graced moment, when he observes his little boy praying:

“ He crawled out of bed and

he got down on his knees.

He closed his little eyes,

folded his little hands
And spoke to God like

he was talking to a friend
And I said, “Son, now where’d you

learn to pray like that?”

He said, “I’ve been watching you, dad.

Ain’t that cool?
I’m your buckaroo, I wanna be like you”

I am convinced, deep within us is the desire to be an influence on others…to truly be a good and positive influence on others. That is what holiness is all about.  St. Joseph is a model of Holiness.  His life was not as a marble or plaster statue holding a lily.  His was one of day to day testimony to the truth of the Godhead in the midst of a needy world.  He needed a savior.  His sinless bride

needed a gateway to heaven.  His people needed redemption.  The commandments, prophets all lead to fixation with God’s movement in their life.  This was salvation history.  Most likely, he had no idea, that the child he held, protected and adopted was that salvation history in the flesh.

We are called to influence others with GOOD NEWS…Jesus has come…Christ has died, risen and will come again…to take us to his father’s house.  Good News huh?

St. Joseph Pray for us!