Eat up! First Sunday of Lent

Tempting? A tray of desserts right after a meal at a restaurant—eh not so much. A ribeye or even a sandwich went the belly is growling—you bet ya. And what is it about Friday’s in lent? I rarely crave a hamburger, but tell me I can’t have one and it’s the only thing I want!

The Gospel account from Matthew tells us of Jesus’ time in prayer and fasting and the devil’s attempt to upset the divine apple cart. Jesus’ reply to satan’s interrogatories indicates His (and our focus). 1. Word of God 2. Faith in God’s promise and presence 3. Worship of God above all things.

Today, carve out some time and re-Read today’s Gospel. Let it speak to your churching and growling soul that needs to be FEED with read food and real drink! Eat up!! Matthew 4:1-11