My Gramma Minnaugh was born on this day in 1902. She died on November 11, 1980. As they say, between the “dash” on her headstone was a life that still impacts her children, grandchildren and even today a little great-great granddaughter in Pittsburgh who shares her first name. Awesome!
As I look at, play with, delight in and try to nurture my own grandchildren, it gives me pause to think of what Gramma did for me. She was warmth, comfort and acceptance. For me see was an image of who God is. Going to her house was always a welcome diversion for the chaos that surrounded even a little boy’s world. She made me feel GOOD.
I could go on about it, but my point is not about what she gave, but about who she was. She was significant. SIGN-ificant. Believe it too…we are significant. First, we are significant to our Heavenly Father. He doesn’t just make us feel good…HE MADE US GOOD. He made us for himself. Second, we don’t live in a bubble. We are significant to all those around us (even to our enemies! Perhaps that is why our Brother Jesus enjoyed us to love them??) We have an impact on those around us.
We then, by God’s loving grace, have a choice to make. What SIGN are we displaying? The choice we have is what kind of impact will we make TODAY?
So as a gift to my Grandma (and Our Heavenly Father), join me today. Let us choose Love. Let us choose kindness. Let us choose hope. Let us model Faith. Let us be Christ for one another. Let the world see something so attractive that they want it too. Let us witness to something more than 8-4, 9-5, retirement accounts and self-indulgence (or even self-preservation!) Let us generously give of ourselves to other. Let’s show our worth…so others will know theirs.
Happy Birthday Gramma!
Read Luke 12:22-31
Beautiful and thank you Jim!!
I love being with my grandchildren and living close to them so I can be there in a moment anytime!