It only happens once a year. This day is the only day of the year that is an actual command. MARCH FOURTH (FORTH)!!
Its only been one weeks since Ash Wednesday, and if you are anything like me, you have either not picked something to “give up” or “do” for LENT or you have messed it up already. Well today is the day to March forth. March forth. March forth. Going forward means looking forward and avoiding the temptation of looking back…life is not lived in the rear view mirror.
In Luke 9:62 Jesus puts it bluntly. “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” But haven’t we all, at one time or another, put our hand to the plow and looked back?
This past Sunday, I had the privilege of gathering, praying and eating with a group of women who are in recovery. They are living together, working their program and transitioning back to life. They are March(ing) forth. They are a great example of life in the nitty-gritty. You can’t escape the past, but you don’t have to live in it either. With confidence and God’s grace we all can march forth.
Our past is tempting…because we know it. Even if it was crappy. Even the Hebrews in the desert longed to go back to Egypt because marching forth in the desert was challenging and unknown…even though they had been delivered from SLAVERY!!
Our Lenten journey is to remind us of who we are and whose we are. We are slaves no longer. We are free. We are children of the Most High God.
March Forth.
Another great anthem to lead us forward! (May your past be the sound of your feet on the ground!)