Returns. I never mind making returns. I love my wife and making returns to Macy’s or Kohl’s or countless other stores is never an issue. (The sales person at Macy’s return counter and I became friends. He is no longer there. I “coached” him into a new job! He is now an assistant manager for another industry.) The other upside of the return process is that the $$$ that is coming off the bill!!
Four weeks ago, making one of my traditional return pilgrimages to the Southern Park Mall, I notices BIG BOLD Advertising outside of PIER ONE. “This week, 25% OFF ALL EASTER.” I just shook my head. I said to myself…”25% off Easter? We just started LENT?? Aren’t we getting ahead of ourselves??”
But that is the way of the world isn’t it? We get way ahead of ourselves…always wanting more, or the next best thing or things or desire. I remember as a kid, wanting a bike. I saved up for it, dreamed about it, and counted the days until I had enough. I promised myself I would take such good care of it. It would always shine. The chrome would glisten, and the typhoon blue would flash by all who could catch a glimpse.

I got the bike. I took care of it…for a while. You know how it goes. Then, one night, someone stole it. It was locked, inside our new shed, but was stolen nonetheless. I was crushed. Then I started to wonder. Did I have it chained and locked? Was it in the shed or was it outside? Was it partially my fault? (Forgive me, I’m Irish — this is how we think!)
Yesterday, at least three wonderful things happened to me. One friend shared the YouTube message of his pastor. It was awesome. The message and the connection with Joe. He and I have shared our faith before, but this was a new kind of reality we were sharing on a new plain. Then I had a great conversation with Jason. While most of it was me rambling on about some past experiences, it invited him to ask questions of faith and sincerely go deeper in this walk we have with God.
The third wonderful experience was simply sitting by my wife on our couch as we prayed the Sunday Mass via internet. She is a woman of great faith. Her rich prayer life is so consistent that it puts me to shame. From the first thing in the morning, she prays. She has a list of living and deceased priest for which she prays…and our bishop. She remembers to pray for deceased family and friends…then family…especially her two sons, their families and their needs and desires. She reads the scriptures and then listens to spiritual reflections. (No wonder we get up at 4:30am!!)
I share all this because of where we are right now. Just like the ad at Pier One, lets not get ahead of ourselves. What really is the difference between four weeks ago, three or two weeks ago, and today? Yes, there is an incredibly serious global virus we are facing and it has “changed” our flow of life and maybe taught some people the necessity of good personal hygiene…but what really is different?

The answer lay is our response. What do we desire? What do we hope for? What and who do we treasure? What adjustments will we make to achieve that end? Right now, the majority of us are facing inconveniences more than sacrifices. Let us pray for nurses, hospital workers, doctors, EMT, police and firefighters. Let us pray for first responders and government leaders faced with daily and even moment to moment decisions. Let us pray for patience with new patterns and new expectations…and lets give each other a wide berth. Let’s not criticize or get hypersensitive. Let’s unite in prayer, action and most of all in love, care and understanding for one another.
Take both comfort and direction in these words from the lips of our Savior: Matthew 6:24 -34 (yeah…go look it up you lazy bones jones! LOL)