Jesus is tempted in the desert. Reflecting on this, I noticed one difference between the account in Luke and Matthew. At the end of Matthew’s temptation in the desert, Jesus is ministered to by Angels. “Then the devil left him and, behold, angels came and ministered to him.” Mt: 4:11.
All of a sudden I found myself saying, “Oh sure, Jesus gets angels…what about me?” No sooner had those words passed through my mind that I had a V-8 moment. “Duh. He has set his angels over you.” Angels. It is one of those faith realities we are soon to forget, too often reluctant to tap into, and rarely discuss…most likely because common culture has made angels look so silly and purposeless. But angels are real and are real powerful.
Angels…yes God has set His angels over us. They are His messengers. Individually they internally “TEXT” us and guide us to the love of God. Maybe we need to talk to our guardian angels again? Jesus was ministered by angels after His temptation. Where could we use this auxiliary participation in our daily walk? Angels help remind us of the God who loves us and call us to Himself. They are part of the message of Hope. They focus our gaze on the Heavenly Father, just like Jesus. That is the Mt. 411.
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